Monday, July 23, 2007

Re-defining "Soon"

Okay...I created this blog in February and here it is July and I'm only now just writing my first "real" post. My original intention was to use this blog to write about all the wonderful books I've read and to talk about my lifelong reading passion. Unfortunately, my once voracious reading has turned into an almost non-existent activity and I just cannot motivate myself to sit down with any of the many books I have by my nightstand and scattered around the house.

The culprit and cause of this sudden turn of events is sitting right in front of computer. I've become a blogging junkie and my every waking moment, over the past few months, has been devoted to creating posts for my other blog (The Erstwhile Librarian), reading an ever-growing number of blogs, taking photos for future posts. I've become all-consumed with this new passion and suddenly all my other interests have disappeared. It saddens me to think I can be so easily manipulated by a piece of equipment and the conceit of having others actually reading and responding to my writing.

I have finally made a commitment to myself to maintain and update this blog on a regular basis. I know that, in order to do this, I'll need to start reading again. I have been buying new books right and left throughout the past several months so I have a plethora of titles to choose from. I have no goes!!!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

No doubt about it, blogging is fun...and time consuming!